The Leading IOT Solutions Company in Pakistan

Turning Ordinary Industries into IOT Industries


IOT Solutions

Our IOT Solutions company in Pakistan makes web-enabled connected devices that are part of an iot ecosystem. These devices are made with embedded systems like processors, sensors, and communication hardware, which help them get and send data from their environments. They also use these systems to do something with the information they get from these systems, too. In order for sensor data from iot devices to be shared, they connect to an iot gateway or another device called a “edge device.” There, the data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed on the device itself and sent back. Some of the time, these devices talk to each other and act on what they learn from each other. Users can interact with them to set them up, give them instructions, or get their data.

IOT Solutions

iot Production Tracking

Production Tracking

Production tracking is a system for measuring, analyzing, and improving visibility across the manufacturing process.


Water Monitoring

Water monitoring systems measure the quality of water by measuring pH, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature.

iot Environment Tracking

Environment Tracking

Environment tracking system checks the environment's quality and enables real-time monitoring of any necessary parameter.

iot rfid

RFID Tracking

RFID asset tracking automates the management and location of physical assets. It works by putting data onto an RFID tag and linking it to an asset

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About Us

Empowering Industries with IoT

The Internet of Things (IOT) is the concept that every device, both physical and virtual, will be able to connect to the internet.

Improved Efficiency

Data systems powered by IIoT enable manufacturers to increase operational efficiencies by automating and digitalizing manual operations and functions, Making data-driven decisions on all aspects of manufacturing and monitoring performance from any location, whether on the factory floor or on a Hawaiian beach.

Enhanced Safety

"Smart manufacturing" also enables "smart security," with all IIoT sensors cooperating to monitor workplace and personnel safety. They can also notify employees when they are not adhering to established workplace safety protocols, allowing them to change their actions and remain safe on the job.

Unleash the power of
Internet Of Things


Successful The Customer Better


Our Projects

Avation EMF-01

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Avation EMF-02

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Our Pricing Plan


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$ 2
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How Are Robots Enhancing Health Care?

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internet of things


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